увеличение ограничения фпс:
- открываем BaseEngine.ini (лежит в APB Reloaded\Engine\Config)
- ищем строку MaxSmoothedFrameRate=62 и меняем например на MaxSmoothedFrameRate=120
В оффициальном факе написано еще, что можно добиться прироста фпс, отключив расчет физики видеокартой:
People with nVidia video cards could potentially squeeze a few frames per second out of their system by possibly shunting PhysX processing to the CPU. To do this, right-click on the background and go to your nVidia Control Panel. Select "Manage 3D Settings", and Add APBprogram. Once you have APB selected in the drop-down box, look down for "CUDA - GPUs". Change the setting to "Use these GPUs" and uncheck all or any that you have. Hit apply, and try again.
Отредактировано ImP (2011-05-12 15:56:04)